Sharing Polly via Link & Link Unfurls

Learn how to create links and share your polly with your colleagues via text, email or chat.

How does link sharing work?

If you'd like to share a created polly to multiple locations in Teams without creating a copy every time, you can do so by creating a ๐Ÿ”—link to the polly and sharing that instead.

  • Link sharing only works with pollys that are still open for responses and not closed pollys. 
  • You can only create a link for your own polly and share it with others. 
  • Links work for the entire tenant and can be shared with anyone in your company, even if they are not part of the same chat, channel or meeting.  
  • Only users in the same tenant can use the link to respond.

How to share a polly on Microsoft Teams

There are five ways to share a polly: 

  1. Chat
  2. Teams Channel
  3. Polly dashboard tab
  4. Create Modal
  5. Link Unfurls


Sharing through Teams Chat

  1. Navigate to the chat conversation of your choose
  2. Choose the polly you'd like to share & navigate to it's card and click on the sharing icon. 
     sharing results
  3. Upon clicking, you'd be prompted with the option to ๐Ÿ”—Create link which will be shareable for anyone in your company to participate in the polly. 
  4. The ๐Ÿ”—link will then be generated for you to share with your colleagues. 
    open web link

Sharing through Teams Channel

  1. Navigate to the Teams channel of your choice
  2. Choose the polly you'd like to share & navigate to it's card and click on the sharing icon. 
    sharing polly in teams channel
  3. Upon clicking, you'd be prompted with the option to ๐Ÿ”—Create link which will be shareable for anyone in your company to participate in the polly. 
  4. The ๐Ÿ”—link will then be generated for you to share with your colleagues. 
    web link for sharing polly


Sharing through Polly Dashboard tab

  1. Navigate to the Polly tab from the left-hand menu.
  2. Choose the polly whose results you'd like to share and click on the sharing icon

  3. Clicking on the Share button will generate a dedicated link which you can ๐Ÿ“‹Copy and send to anyone in your company to fill the polly you've created. 

Sharing through Create Modal

  1. Click on "Create Link" on the modal that appears after you have created a Polly. 
  2. After clicking "+ Create link" a link will be generated.
  3. The link address can be copied by clicking the clipboard icon and shared with anyone in your tenant to fill the polly you've created. 

Sharing through Link Unfurls

  1. Once you have the Polly's link address (by any of the above methods), you can paste it in any team post, chat group, comment, or reply.
  2. The polly link will automatically unfurl to display the polly's title, who sent it, and how many questions the polly contains. 
  3. Clicking on the "Open polly" button that will launch the polly for audience members to add their response.

โœ๏ธ Note: Anyone from the Teams Tenant can respond to the polly via web link, regardless of whether they belong to the Chat/Channel the polly was sent to.